Insulation – Keeping Unwanted Elements

In broad terms, insulation is the prevention of heat, cold, or sounds from being transmitted (sent) from one place to the other. In usage, it is referring to the materials that confine these natural phenomena (cold, heat, sound) in their places. Insulation from electricity is using known insulators that are non-conductive and make it safe to handle.

Insulators work in many ways, dependent on the energy we want to be insulated against. They are mostly composed of materials with millions of pockets of air inside.

Because air is a good insulator, the trapped air in these materials make them good insulators as well with high thermal resistance, it even stops sound.


Usually, this is the insulation used in walls and ceilings, including those on the outside walls of houses where heat is usually lost in colder climate (or gained in hotter weather conditions). The work of thermal insulation is to keep one side (the inside of the house, for instance) of the insulating material warmer than the other (from the cold outside).

In extremely hot (or cold) places, the insulation design of in keeping your houses warm or cool needs to follow the climate changes. Usually, this happens in temperate countries and in other places where it is cold most of the time.

“R values” are the usual measurement fro effectiveness in thermal insulation. When the R value is higher, the thermal insulation it gives is better. RM is the total value of thermal resistance of the materials used. RT is the total value of the heat resistance provided by the whole construction including the materials.


Controlling sound is another form of insulation, this time with regards to the sound waves. At some point, the types of insulation used in thermal control can also control both sound and heat. These insulating properties (acoustic, for sound) are usually found in walls, ceilings and floors.

There are, however, specialized sound-roofing applied to special places like theaters, recording studio or movie sets that need this type of insulation from outside noise, or extraneous sound.

In other places where there are extreme external noise generated (highways, airports, train lines, factories) there are also other specialized methods in keeping off the sound. The acoustic measures are usually done on windows and other places in buildings receiving these noises.

Two birds in one stone

Some people have the notion that heat insulation can also do a stand in to do the job of sound insulation. In some ways, it can. However, the design tends to lean on one group or another (sound or heat). Thermal insulation is still best for temperature control.

On another scenario, acoustic insulation can control the pitch and volume of the sound from somewhere into entering. However, it cannot guarantee that heat (or cold) is kept off. Depending on the construction of the building or your house or the materials used, or maybe your area in general, thermal insulation can sometimes take care and keep unnecessary sound out.

Still the best way is to keep the insulation geared for what they are keeping out, heat or cold.
